Certification Transfers

Transfers of certification from other accredited certification bodies If you're interested in transferring your certification to PMC, it's easy to do: we simply pick up your certification cycle at the next scheduled visit, issuing a certificate to you in the meantime.

The transfer itself is free of charge.

All you need to do is provide us with a copy of your existing certificate and schedule, and we'll be in touch to make a full proposal for certification to you. Benefits of transferring certification are:

- no pricing surprises: our fees are clearly stated.

- Combined audits: we can combine audits of a variety of different standards, saving you audit time and so reducing costs.

- Monthly payment schemes for smaller customers.

- Specialist auditors: all our auditors are specialists in your processes, whether it is printing, paper, or publishing.

- Relevant and useful audits: because our auditors are specialists they are able to focus on your process, and identify the opportunities to improve it.

- PMC is accredited by UKAS, which means our certifications have global recognition and an assurance of competence, impartiality and independence.

- Access to new customers: buyers have access to our listings of our certified customers, so that they can then contact direct.

- PMC’s distinctive marks. As a certified customer of PMC you can use our distinctive CMYK certification mark in combination with the renowned UKAS symbol to promote your business.

-Include audits for the BPIF colour quality management certification scheme with audits of other standards, when transferred to PMC.

To see how you could benefit from a transfer of certification to PMC, simply send us a copy of your existing certificate and any associated schedule, or contact PMC direct.

Contact US

t:01827 55333


84 Main Road,
B79 9DZ