Certification Principles and Process
Certification process
Certification is achieved through the process of auditing and correcting non-conformances found at audit. For ISO 12647, it also involves passing a product test.
For new customers seeking certification to a management system standard, such as ISO 9001 or 14001, there is an initial audit in 2 stages, designed to cover the whole of your management system, it’s documentation and its implementation. Stage 1 looks at your documented system, the extent of its implementation, and you understanding and commitment to the standard, whereas stage 2 looks in depth at the implementation of the system.
At Stage 1, PMC raises development points to be addressed prior to Stage 2. The time elapsed between Stage 1 and 2 depends on the findings at Stage 1, but can follow shortly afterwards if all is well and the system is well implemented. At Stage 2, PMC raises Corrective Action Requests (CAR’s), to which you will be asked to respond with supporting evidence. Once these CAR’s are closed out through acceptance of you response by the auditor, your audit file will be sent for an independent review. If this is successful then certification is awarded, and you will be send a certificate, and any necessary schedule as well as the PMC marks and UKAS accreditation symbols, together with instructions for their use.
You will then be subject to surveillance audits, at a minimum of once per year, and then a full re-assessment of your system again in the third year following certification.
Product tests for ISO 12647 can be run at any time, not only during audits. For the test to be valid for certification, a PMC auditor must always be present for any test run and the sample taken will then be tested off site, when the product is dry. The nature of the sample and measurement patches will be defined in advance by PMC, and the proposed test forme to be used must be approved by PMC in advance. Once tested against the relevant ISO 12647 standard, PMC will provide feedback on whether the test run has passed or failed. Failure does not mean the end of the process: further product tests can be scheduled. Certification cannot be awarded until the product test has been passed, and all other requirements of the scheme met.
PMC also provides verification services for product compliance. If these are not to be counted towards certification, then the auditor does not need to be present.
Certification costs
The cost of certification is determined by the standard being assessed and the number of audit days required, which is dependant on the nature of your organisation and its processes, and for ISO 12647, the number of presses to be tested, and so a quote for certification can only be made on a case by case basis. PMC aims to keep costs down for its customers, and if you would like a quotation, then please go to the certifications page and download and complete PMC’s questionnaire.
PMC's UKAS accreditation
UKAS is the sole UK national accreditation body recognised by government to assess, against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services, and PMC is one of these organisations.
Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, independence, impartiality, and capability of Print and Media Certification. Through UKAS' membership of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF: www.iaf.nu), and its Multilateral Recognition Arrangements, PMC's accreditation is recognised throughout the world. UKAS accredited ISO 9001, 14001 or BPIF Colour Quality Management certification provides an internationally valued and recognised certification.
Further information about UKAS and details of our accreditation for management system and product certification can be found at www.ukas.com or contact PMC.
Principles of Certification
PMC is committed to the principles of impartiality, competence, responsibility, openness, confidentiality, and responsiveness to complaints. PMC understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out certification, and as a result, manages conflict of interests, and ensures the objectivity of certification.
We'd like to hear your views about the impartiality of PMC's activities in audit and certification. Please complete our survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SYRQ39V
Access to information
PMC will provide a directory of valid certifications upon request. We will provide access to appropriate, non confidential and timely information about our audit and certification process and about the certification status of organisations we have certified, or about specific audits to specific interested parties (eg audits in response to complaints).
This includes information about the process for granting, maintaining, extending, renewing, or reducing the scope of, suspending, or withdrawing certification, and the types of management systems and geographical areas in which we can operate.
PMC's Rules and Regulations for certified clients are available here. Our policy on impartiality is here. Our Privacy Policy is here.
Certified clients are able to make use of PMC's certification marks and UKAS accreditation symbols, but are subject to restrictions in the use of these marks and symbols, as well as restrictions as to how they refer to their certification or make specific compliance claims. Our instructions for the use of marks and symbols are here.
To request information relating to any of the above, or to confirm the validity of any given certification, or to find out about our appeals or complaints process, please contact admin@printcertification.co.uk stating your name, organisation, contact telephone and the details of your request or write to PMC at Scheme Office, 84 Main Road, Wigginton, Tamworth, Staffordshire.UK. B79 9DZ.
PMC Services
PMC provides only certification and generic training services. We do not offer management systems consultancy, but can point organisations in the direction of suitable consultants who will seek to meet your requirements in this regard. In addition, we do not offer internal audits to our certified clients
Financial Support
PMC's financial support is sourced from shareholders in the form of share capital, directors' loans and income from certification services and generic training.